Friday, May 18, 2012

Day +1 Ezra Needs You

Well, he needs your blood and platelets. Over the upcoming months, Ezra will need frequent blood and platelet transfusions while his body re-builds.We are asking for those of you close to Sloan-Kettering to donate blood or platelets to Ezra. You can do a directed a donation at Sloan-Kettering (it can only be done at Sloan).  Ezra's blood type is currently O+ (it will change to his donor's blood type later on).  For platelets, you can be any blood type. Family Members: for complicated medical reasons, you can NOT donate if you are a blood relation on either side.

So come on all you athletes, cyclists, exercise enthusiasts or even healthy couch potatoes and give Ezra some powerful cells to get him through this time of healing.  Contact the Sloan-Kettering Donor Room at 212-639-7648 to make an appointment. We would appreciate hearing from you if you donate just so we know there are directed donations for him, but no obligation to do so. If you want to let us know, email  Thank you in advance!

Ezra is having a great Day +1 so far.  He was busy this morning with music therapy, physical therapy and karate. He got an A+ from PT and then passed out for a long nap.  He's sneezing a bit, so we're keeping an eye on that. Hoping it's nothing.

Shabbat Shalom to all.