The doctor decided to lower his steroid dose by the smallest increment and only on alternate days. We are really hoping that this minor decrease doesn't affect his counts and that we can get back to weaning the steroids. This weekend, we already saw a regression in Ezra's strength and endurance from the higher steroids. Steroids just stink.
We did receive the results of Ezra's latest chimerism test and thankfully, he is still 100% donor on all cell lines. We take comfort in knowing that when the day comes when he is off the steroids and immune suppressants, Ezra will have donor cells ready to build him a new, strong immune system (we hope).
Ezra started his summer school session this week. To match his 100% donor cells, he got 100% on his first ever spelling test (we're allowed a little bragging, right?)! Maybe his donor is a good speller. :)