Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Days +4 and +5: Going Strong, Maybe Too Strong

The last two days have been great. Ezra is doing really well. He is still energetic and playful.  And amazingly still eating well and avoiding TPN.  The only problem is that we found out that he still has too many T cells left. The chemo should have wiped out his T cells, but there are still some floating around. Ezra's T cells need to be gone in order for the new donor cells to grow and take over. The doctors are running more tests to see if the T cells are Ezra's or some residual T cells that came with the cord blood unit. Then we'll wait a couple of days to see if the counts go down. If the T-cells are his and they don't go down, Ezra may need more chemo. Obviously, we really want to avoid putting his little body through more chemo. So please pray that those T cells do what they are supposed to do and go away. We always knew Ezra was strong, but this is an instance where we need his body to give up a little and wave that white (blood cell) flag of defeat.

We've been completely spoiled by all the delicious food coming our way from everyone who signed up to feed us. We can't thank you all enough for your generosity and thoughtfulness.

Special treat for Mama tonight: Daddy went to the RMH this evening and they offered him free Yankees tickets to tonight's game. He correctly declined, telling them he would no longer be a husband if he accepted. Instead of the tickets, they told him that Macys was holding a special event there and he could pick up a new pair of shoes for Mama. Sweet! Now, that's a good husband! Mama is happy with her new dress shoes...now just need a chance to wear them.

Here are some pics of Ezra and his favorite things - playing guitar and space shuttles.

Important: Giving Blood or Platelets?

Please read if you have signed up or are planning to sign up to give blood or platelets.

From the Sloan Blood Bank:


3 year old Ezra is currently a patient at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. His treatment will require regular blood and platelet transfusions.  Ezra's blood type is currently O+ (it will change to his donor's blood type later on).  For platelets, you can be any blood type. Family Members: for complicated medical reasons, you can NOT donate if you are a blood relation on either side.

Ezra and his family would deeply appreciate your donation of blood and/or platelets and requests you ask others you know to donate. Donations not used by Ezra will be released for use by other patients many of whom are children.

To benefit Ezra all designated donations must be made in the Blood Donor Room of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Please visit www.mskcc.org/blooddonations for complete information about donor eligibility and the donation process for blood or platelets.

For answers to questions and to schedule an appointment that is convenient for you please Contact:
Mary Thomas 212-639-3335
Donor Relations Specialist

The Blood Donor Room 212-639-7648
1250 First Avenue (between 67th/68th Streets) NYC - Schwartz Building lobby
Open Every Day
Fri Sat Sun Mon 8:30am - 3:00pm
Tues Wed Th 8:30am - 7:00pm
The process for donating whole blood takes approximately1hour
The process for donating platelets takes about 2 hours
Appointments are necessary- All blood types are acceptable

FREE Donor Parking -
-Somerset Parking Garage, 1365 York Avenue entrance on 72nd Street, N.W.corner