We started to see a little bit of improvement in Ezra over the past 2 days. He was the best he has been this morning when he spent most of the morning jamming on his guitar and singing with his music therapists. Then we started the last of his chemotherapy drugs this afternoon. This drug can have serious side effects, so they gave him a ton of pre-medications, which knocked him out for most of the rest of the day. The nurses have been in his room the majority of the day, closely monitoring him. So far he's handling it well. It is run over a 12 hour period, so it won't be done until the middle of the night and then we start it again tomorrow. So two days of extra anxiety.
Tomorrow is the last day of chemotherapy and then a day of rest before transplant day on Thursday. His counts are dropping, as they should be, to make room for his new cells. He will start receiving blood and platelet transfusions soon.
And now your entertainment news: celebrity sightings in Room 935 today. Mayim Bialik came to visit. Mayim got to know Ezra last year when she joined up with Gift of Life to encourage people to join the bone marrow donor registry in hopes of finding miracle matches for Ezra and other patients in need. She has been a wonderful friend over the past year and we are grateful for her support and all she has done for Gift of Life. Sorry, no pictures: Ezra was wiped out when she visited, although they did get to discuss Ezra's new favorite movie - Mary Poppins (courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa) - before he fell asleep. We were touched that she visited.