Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day +47: Bad News, Bad Day

The chimerism results are in and they are not good. The neutrophils that have been growing are only 20% donor. The rest is Ezra. The percentages of donor cells for the other type of cells are even lower. The ideal scenario would have been 100% donor cells. Or something closer to 100%. Not 20% - that won't cut it. Despite the doctor's assurances, the chemo failed to kill off Ezra's old immune system. Despite their confidence that the cells growing are all donor cells, that is not the case. 

They are telling us that it is still early with a cord blood transplant and that the percentage of donor cells may increase with time, and that we just have to wait and see. We do know from our own research that with some immune deficiencies, mixed chimerism is fine. All the patient needs are some properly working cells. It may be that if he stays a mix of donor and Ezra it will be just fine. Or maybe he will reject the donor cells entirely in the end and we are left with nothing. The plan for now is to keep repeating the studies periodically to see if things change, but ultimately they wait 6 months before determining whether to do another transplant with one of Ezra's crappy backup options.

That was the news we woke up to. The day then continued on with Ezra needing surgery to replace his central line, which had developed a problem. We decided to allow them to do a bone marrow aspirate during the procedure in case that gives us any additional information. We were back for about an hour and the surgeon came back to tell us that the x-ray showed that the line was not in place and he needed to go back to surgery. This time the procedure was done in the regular OR guided with an X-ray machine so they could ensure proper placement. We have held Ezra in our arms as he was put to sleep more times than we care to remember. It never gets easier.

For now, we are just focused on managing Ezra's pain and hoping he isn't too traumatized.


  1. Oh, this is not the update I was hoping for. Sending love to all of you and praying for better news soon. Lots of love.

  2. We wish we had magic words to make the world right. We will all continue to pray for Ezra and we will not give up. Sending you love always.

  3. I am so sorry to hear this, I know exactly how you feel. My 7 year old son also has X-linked Hyper IGM and had his bone marrow transplant thru marrow donor on May 17th. I know that this isn't the news that you were hoping for but I also want to encourage you that he has a chance of engrafting. My son came back with less than 2% donor cells on day 27 so his rejection was almost immediate, I am hoping that with Ezra that this is the sign of the donor cells slowly engrafting. Don't lose hope-this can just be the beginning of the donor cells growing. I will continue prayers for Ezra. I know that this is such a tough journey-hang in there.

    1. we will keep praying for Ezra. We are so sorry that you and he have to go through this. Stay positive Time will tell

  4. Keep your head up and stay positive!
    We will just have to keep praying and hoping for some good news soon. It will come, it has too

    Thinking of all of you :)

  5. 20% is quite enough to keep Ezra safe.
    I hope some kind of competition will bring about
    donor cells will be growing in share.

  6. while we were all hoping for better news we will never stop praying for ezra - my daughter is ill right now, but her main priority every day is to daven for "baby ezra"

  7. Praying for you guys. I also have a son with an immune disorder and live in JAX. Receiving treatment from UF shands Gainesville. Our son was days from death from the chicken pox vaccine and after a year of ivig is stable and healthy, but no end in sight for treatments. I have been following Ezra from the beginning and praying for you as we had a choice between UF and Duke and have thought of getting a second opinion there. Unfortunately they are unable to determine the origin of his illness. I am praying for you and Ezra. I know when we were in the hospital for 46 days we had days where we hated putting our son through another test and another surgery, but hang in there and trust God that He has a plan for you and Ezra. Thank you for keeping all of us updated on your progress - we love you all.

  8. So sorry Evan. Thinking about you.

  9. I am so sorry that you did not get better news. Hoping that this is the start of things moving in the right direction.

  10. I am so sorry! We are thinking of you guys every day!
    All our love,
    Risa, mike, Bella and Melissa

  11. Thinking of you and praying for you from Israel. Hope you start having good news and good days soon.

  12. Do you still need platelet donations and what blood type do I have to be

  13. So sorry that you've been dealing with some really difficult situations - hopefully this is a quick rough patch - hoping for much better news soon!! - wishing you the very best! Teisha

  14. Rita Lourie-GalenaJuly 6, 2012 at 8:22 AM

    I'm so sorry the newd isn't better...
    lots of love
    Rita Lourie-Galena
