Sunday, October 12, 2014

Iron Boy!

After two rounds of IV iron, Ezra's hemoglobin is back in the normal range. His iron stores were severely depleted - almost gone. We will continue to monitor his iron storage levels to determine how often he needs the IV iron. Unfortunately, regularly taking significant amounts of blood from Ezra to monitor him for infection and all the other issues we have been dealing with is a necessary evil. Going forward, it will be a balancing act between getting these tests done and making sure he doesn't become anemic.

After seeing his counts this week, Ezra's doctor feels confident that the drop in hemoglobin was not from a flare-up of the auto-antibodies, and it was the lack of iron. This is a relief. She allowed us to get back to the slow wean of the steroids, which is great because our number one goal right now is to get Ezra off the steroids. 

We are waiting another two weeks before checking to see if Ezra has been able to make antibodies to the vaccine, assuming his hemoglobin is high enough to handle the blood work. Another T cell check is currently at the lab. It would be a huge relief to finally see some T cell growth this month. Until he gets an adequate amount of T cells, Ezra remains at risk of life-threatening infections, and the longer it takes, the scarier it is. A critical amount of functioning T cells is his ticket out of isolation and into the world. Please T cells, grow, grow, grow!

The IV iron has helped improve Ezra's energy, although he continues to struggle with strength and endurance issues following these 2 and a half years of brutal transplant-related treatments. Last night at bedtime, Ezra proclaimed "I am VERY healthy!" We're hoping that he has the inside scoop and maybe he knows that his T cells are growing. At the least, we are happy that he feels "very healthy." Our hope is that he should only know what it feels like to be healthy from this point forward. That would truly be a dream come true. 


  1. So happy to hear good news. We hope that all of your dreams come true!
    Much love always,
    Michele and John

  2. Stay strong Ezra! You're doing great.
    Love, your Zablocki family fan club.
    (Led by Idan!)
